Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am, a stride at a time

Ulysses is calling like the Sirens. Paper for R.Bye is murmuring in my ear. But I have pictures from last night and I must blogem.

Fiona Apple concert at Boulder Theatre. Preceeded by The Med Tapas, Q's mixed nuts and edamame and Johnny's Cigar bar.

in case you all were wondering. this is what me looks like now. (sans john lennon shades, for the most part)

Malia pointing to Craig. Why? I don't know. Very classy leather sofa chairs.

Jesse looking chic as a siamese cat in the smoke-lounge

Fiona, in purple, to my dismay.

But she's just so cute, I let her get away with it. Okay to Fiona in lavender dress thing.

1 comment:

Stephanie Kansky said...

you lucky little hussy. Man-- i listened to Fiona this mornin', it bet it was just as good as seeing her live. Right and eating a bare wire is just as good as eating a key lime pie.

ps sorry i got knocked off the internet IM thang, and Fok11 has a password now?! weird eh? Well talk more later. i LOVE YOU!!!!