Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today in a nutshell ("look I'm in a nutshell!")

sittin under batik queso heating onions salsa tomatoes toes avocado smash dish been known to gild the lilies with lime cleanse jeannie geneie genie jeanie woodchuck ryan adams on computer mp3 sun shining in front door purple rocket trunk door ajar door open borrow from neighbors cayenne noah licata welcome to our shoe-free home! incense projecting from plant soil fish tank dark and fishless piano book open to song with flamenco notes tapestry curtains with soft maroon oms flesh is dying hanging above PROGRAMME MUSIQUE painting nedmex the very persistent gapers of frip written in a language that was meant to fuck you up iko nibbles a little when he’s happy wasn’t nursed so still sucking thumb largehead photobatik wax coaster plum red bookshelf you know what tears me up? The tracers shovels dig a hole and go in it and hibernate. The Grateful Dead movie he’s dancing on rollerskates but not really they are cowboy boots. Be mine be my winding wheel. Cranium we landed on the head put thesethree heads togeth… he likes his ellipses Omphalos sausage eccentric (ek-sen-trick) shit “t’aint right, t’aint right- it's thanks” made a bacon grease? Drag album work here pass the tub of dish basement flood washer water undulation “of course kitty-litter is trademark otherwise it’d be CAT SHIT BOX” 23rd not 24 early bill pay said maybe 56 haomeny? Would you dance delightfully my tea organic temple warm warm no more vapor emissions twirling upward ghosts in my coffee escaping who’s got my coffee? Pumpkin latte star shit. Thankful for this this and this. All of this.


Tribellian said...

Early to bed, early to rise! Airplane AM!

chelsea face said...

I love this.