Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hancock Airport.

Was just speaking to A to the L I and we realized everyone that matters in this world will be in a NYC airport today. I will be in LaGuardia, Linds and Jackie have Newark covered and Ali and her frisbee friend will be at JFK. Steph is supposed to be connecting through nyc, but she goes missing for days so we're not sure where and when she'll be there. But she WILL make it to Ireland, I hope :)

Ali found a pigeon.

Tony Chachere's was just on the Hancock tele.

Jackie forgot which hostel they were staying at in Dublin.

Lindsey made it to the Path train in time for their flight. They are currently in a box. "Don't touch my jar of sand!"

Steph is missing.

That's the airport update of the day. Wish we were all in the SAME NYC airport. Especially for Ali's sake since she has a 7 hour layover or something crazy like that. Best advice: pick a pub (adirondack pub) and make an old man friend who feels sorry for you because you are ABSOLUTELY petrified of flying and hint that the only thing you can drink is Bailey's on ice because everything else make you throw up. or beat 6 guys in Poker and use their money to buy a few drinks ( that's my route ) or be in the Coast Guard and receive free refreshments for kicking ass. I would like to do an ethnography on Airport bars. That will be my career - yeeeeeeeees!

1 comment:

Stephanie Kansky said...

i'm here! not missing-- only misplaced for only a few short hours more.