Wednesday, October 25, 2006

All over you

Lilt in her intonation looms
The tilt of her smirk shapes
perpendicular her skirt
Rim of a petal: a yellow lotus flow
hugging neatly her hips
The clasp in the back:
an etching of a sepal

Her sturdy boots stilt
(not Dutch clogs)
Epoch leather extends
rising up her legs
A fine omnibus of patterns
threads mended…
an umber-nut brown
chestnut heels, subtle
sepia interior

She sashays down the street,
Strangers’ glances ricochet
off her togs

I am, a stride at a time

Ulysses is calling like the Sirens. Paper for R.Bye is murmuring in my ear. But I have pictures from last night and I must blogem.

Fiona Apple concert at Boulder Theatre. Preceeded by The Med Tapas, Q's mixed nuts and edamame and Johnny's Cigar bar.

in case you all were wondering. this is what me looks like now. (sans john lennon shades, for the most part)

Malia pointing to Craig. Why? I don't know. Very classy leather sofa chairs.

Jesse looking chic as a siamese cat in the smoke-lounge

Fiona, in purple, to my dismay.

But she's just so cute, I let her get away with it. Okay to Fiona in lavender dress thing.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Denoting a molecule
with TWO rings
ONE atom Common to both
To breathe irregularly.

Conspire against.
(of events or circumstance)
spires of delphiniums

To double negate – spire.
Tapering conical pyramidal structure
: typically a ch--ch tower

The continuation of a tree trunk.
Tip of a blade of grass.

Leaf-like green
Calyx of the flower

A whorl: a flower in a bud
Corolla - a cuplike cavity
A portion of the pelvis in a mammalian kidney

calcareous coral skeleton that surrounds the polyp
Stalk and Arm
Case of a bud husk

Kaluptein – to hide
Convolutions of gastropod
Ammonoid mollusk

Arranged concentrically around the receptacle
(or spindle)
A complete circle in a fingerprint
Touch it
Coil it or ring in particulars of its sequence

Why not argyle?
Too tactile; doesn’t spate like a heavy rain.
It must ebb. Must not stop.



Tuesday, October 10, 2006