Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Amethyst Necklace

Unsure if we were attempting it,
(sideways high-fives until sunrise)
we fell asleep in the clouds
& woke up to speckled snowflake footprints
of people passing by in the night -
I never wanted our wallpaper windows
to defrost.

Wanted to never need to snooze,
have all the time in the world
to lay side by side and smile.

It wasn't my place to ask what was on your mind -
I listen to the yellow lines,
never pass unless perforated.
So will you perforate your heart for me?

I'm an amateur harmonicist
out of practice with this
so I visually willed you to kiss me
but you didn't quite read me right

I want to write songs about the scent
of your vanilla mint breath
breathing me warm
in my cozy crawl-space bed,
where we worked on our Pilates form.

I'll be your word a day,
your way of learning during mindless counting.

I want to swim with you
in not-awkward silences
& quiet my violently beating heart...

...but instead I spill this
on a Safeway receipt
on the side of 285
going home.

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