Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Duck Conquers Colorado, Then World!

This blog began as a place to type up and store my poetry. It has proven very useful for that, as I have had to deal with the death and disappearance of two full-loaded laptops.

When I moved to Colorado, it started to morph into a virtual world of "what's meghann up to?"

Then it again turned into something new... I wanted to make it a place where Leland's adventures were drafted, organized and subsequently turned into a miraculous series of Duck Conquers Colorado, Then World! He has also since disappeared. (Check every single Crane-Operated Claw Animal Vending Machine!!!! He was produced by Sugarloaf Creations and they said all their ducks are specifically sold for Crane-Operated Claw Vending purposes...)

Since I lost my buddy, it has become more and more about posting up photographs, random thoughts, long blusters of uninsightful meghann-head and whatever else a blog can possibly be. To put it simply, this blog is out of control!

It has no discipline, direction, exact purpose... and the reason I am concerned about these things at all is that I want it to have a purpose and direction - which can only be achieved through discipline! I will save my "This is how life is going" for mass-emails or whatever.

I almost think this blog site has had it's day and might continue to be the babble that it is, for my own enjoyment and a few scattered readers out there.

However, a new project is in the making. I want it to be a webSITE, not a blog. So I am projecting it will take a few months. I have started to look into learning more about computer graphics and HTML and anyone (that means you George, Tim, Kansky, Patrick...etc.) who wants to impart their computerly wisdom on me, I am all ears eyes and smiles.

I just want to take this inconclusive conclusion to thank everyone who has read and commented on this raggedly ole blog all these years. You all mean a lot to me, which is why you were invited to read my scattered thoughts in the first place.


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