Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Why a "how are you"
when you yourself is all
you care in terms of condition
your rendition of this idiomatic
only enervates me because
I know you don't care how
I am.
Why, when I point it out,
you wither into a babbling
businessman with appeasing
"please, forgive me's"
and appropriate punctuation.
It was just a joke,
you'd know if you knew me
and if you knew me
you wouldn't ask me
how I am doing.
You spread yourself too thin:
find your friends,
make amends.
Ask them sincerely
and to their face
after a real embrace
how things are
after that bad break with the car
after granddad passed
after she got that great internship.
Keep up
with the ones you love
and stop trying to hover above
everyone you've ever met.

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