Thursday, March 09, 2006

Giorgios Qure-lacroix Retsinas

Wears an invisible pocket watch
gold- clashing bulky
fake locket rings
He's bleeding teeth with a shot
of whiskey to wash it down
Compulsion and all the leaves
that leave the tree too early
jumping down, not to land
but to float along the
gravel path, between the
shadowalleys and over
A carved tree, sewn back together by a
chinese artist
A tryst - a kiss - an untouchable
He's dissonance and rhythm
dance and rhyme
He only wakes early
when he doesn't know the time.


Stephanie Kansky said...

:) love the picture too

Anonymous said...

well my, my, my,
so this is how you see me huh???
pretty good nonetheless
keep up the good work
i want to see a book in progress
take care

Elizabeth Rosa said...

Gios omg omg...years have gone by since i last seen or heard your voice....u still remain a beautiful memory in my mind....
.....i love you....
find me....

Anonymous said...

Hes a hack! A hack.. poser… fraud.. however you want to decorate it…. Hack!! Its entertaining to see a dandy perpetrator in action. Somewhere he will always be watching his back and looking down his nose at the same time. Its giving skilled clown