Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Spread the News, It feel so Good getting Used

What he said:
about the wrinkles- and the sunburn
except, i never find my fingertips
shriveled after a long conversation about nothing with him
the youth on the tips stays pure and everlasting
the youth of our hips is forever replenishable
by a chat about jogging
the high, after running
well worth the non-smokers smoker's cough
we use one another
each word overturns the next word
the other says
about ham
or leftovers
or some junk in our head
that doesn't even need to be said
but we say it anyway
and the chatter goes on
and on and on across the continent


Stephanie Kansky said...

yayy for linkage!!!!!!!!!
This a fun poem, flows well
me likey.
Keep up the AMAZING work Megs youre amazing

Tribellian said...

As the distant shores are consumed by a starving tide, I wonder if the moon truly understands the gravity of it's existence - water pulled by the slightest wobble, oscillation so clearly defined and at the same time so clearly defining...

you make quite the lens ;)