Sunday, April 09, 2006

Why I Rhyme

My mind thinks in patterns
Though sometimes scattered,
always subtle configurations
And usually, obvious alliteration
I write poetry because I like
the flow
of language
The way a line rolls off my tongue
and gently onto the subsequent one
Sometimes the rhyme is subdued
by a particular placement
A doggerel rhythm
With my own chosen hues
I wouldn’t paint purple on a yellow
Just as my words have a scheme,
I rhyme to avoid syntactical blandness
I rhyme for my reasons; don’t intervene.

(a response to "It's okay to rhyme)

1 comment:

Stephanie Kansky said...

"The way a line rolls off my tongue
and gently onto the subsequent one"

favorite lines.

i must confess,
i do like this poem very much.
(you thought i was going to make those 2 lines rhyme didn't you? oh man i sooo got you. booyah.)