Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What's more important than peeing and sleeping?

The breaks we are granted are short little niches
where regular life tries to keep on.
Getting cleansed dressed prepped for the day
Shaving bathing our clothes for proper aroma
Most of these deal with tolerable fragrance-
acceptable redolence for our new friends.
(we are in close quarters -
it is just considerate
not to carry an odor)

After lecture today- Tuesday- I stopped at the stairwell
in my apartment complex,
thought: “Haven’t checked the mail in some time.”
But my internal timer did the math
I had to pee
Had to nap

I couldn’t think of any letter package bill
more important than these acts.

What’s more important than peeing and sleeping?
Apparently, writing a poem.


power locks said...

as a favor, can you please try to take time to pee at a time other than when you are napping. i know you are just trying to be efficient, but there is something to be said about coming home to DRY sheets.

power locks said...


power locks said...

without more poems, i toss my comments to the curb

power locks said...

eating and fucking?