Sunday, February 03, 2008

I made a List.

I made a List,
and I felt good about the list:
Potential tasks for the day.

But what is potential
but a mocking carrot
we writer's chase in lists
and forget about
when we see the rabbits
run past us in pursuit -

We admire their persistence and write
a witty (or humdrum) note
about their eternal
perseverance of the unattainable.

It was a start,
but my initial enthusiasm withered
after the finishing of the List, it seems.

The List inhibits efficiency for me.

1 comment:

Tribellian said...

I only write lists to spite organization. Eventually, said list becomes an aeronautical explorer (paper airplane) and I get yelled at by my boss for not getting something done. That something was probably not on the list anyways, and thus I avoid blaming "lift" for any of it.