Monday, February 20, 2006

Maria Gabriella

"Darling, how arrre you?" she
stresses the are like a haughty pirate,
slightly bowing her head and unbuckling
her knees ambiguously
Connection explodes between her
twinkling blinking chestnut eyes
and Fab's high eyes
We placate with awkward half smiles
Fab stares in resistance
refusing to put on her lab coat
and assist in strapping up Gab's
straight jacket.
"She has the touch of a mother"
but Fab caresses her arm, around, up
twisting toward her shoulder
Gabriella's eyes flutter into spasm
and her entire body twitches back
into her seat- defeated
I nibble my litchi from
my vodka vermouth martini
"We'll take another asparagus"
I tell the Garden State waiter
Brazil is flailing, wincing at
her scotch sip
She's old money
She's 54
She is painted on the face, splashed brain
and withering inside.
"Do you know who I yam??"
I just keep hearing Yam, as I
wait for my sweet potatoe blackened
catfish and
stare into her wet eyes, trying to get
her mask to crack
She just curses me out more
"Well, fuck you then- fuhhh Q!
How old zar you?
Do you know who I yam?"
Mmm yams...

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