Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I hold the golden ingredient up
with the divots facing down
Against the brown wood paneling
of the elevator door

The incisions resemble mountains:
the foothills, the flatirons
just west of us

The vista from our terrace

proves the notion true
The juts and abrupt slants
fit the topography of my key

A miniature landscape in my hand:
What an attractive apparatus.

1 comment:

Tribellian said...

my car keys just became the alps!!!

I really like the connection between the key and the mountains because keys to me have always seemed to be cold, metallic reminders of the need to secure ourselves while mountains have always been so graceful and at peace, unaware that a concept such as "security" even exists. Yet, they both possess an individual physical quality so similar that you would think they were cousins.