Monday, August 20, 2007

Topographical Traffic Engineer

Somewhere between Sedona and Phoenix I asked Christoph a question about the painted yellow lines on a two-way road. He had been attempting to pass a law-obeying motorist, yet each curve kept our line solid as opposed to broken. I wondered if there are particular curve or incline angles that resulted in perforated yellow paint or not. He told me that is something the Topographical Traffic Engineer comes up with. Brilliant!

Christoph has been telling people that he is a retired engineer, simply because he's taken the last year off to travel around the world, free from work or school. We all have our interpretations of definitions; I'd say he took a sabbatical. But even if this could be considered fabricated, life is continuous. Though we may be checking different boxes for our occupations from time to time, living is really our only job. We work to live, not vice versa. We play to live.

My parents don't understand why my sister would want to travel to Peru over New Year's. Why not? Is there a good reason NOT to expand one's experiential horizons? Why limit oneself when the world is large and navigable and provides so many delicious foreign fruits. I want to crown my kumquat with an umlaut! This is impossible from my current position, so it only makes sense to make the shift and sail the ships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a look at these websites on safety concerns for traveling to Peru. Young women are of a particular concern.

A concerned parent