Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Night off.

What's a night off?

For me, it generally occurs between 6:30pm and 11:00pm. It is a time when nothing must occur.

Tonight was a night off for me. We (meaning George and I) sat at the kitchen table and wrote and googled and giggled and drank wine, ate brie, probably annoyed people around us, but we just were. Now, this may sound hippie, but we literally were just BEING what we ARE. We just were.

And it felt good - to have a night like this. I felt like I haven't had it in a while. I feel like this is what I am looking forward to for Thanksgiving: a time to just BE. I'm most excited that we'll have video cameras to DOCUMENT it!

Thank you for the Goulash, George. The garbanzo beans went so well with the cologen, paprika and bay leaves.

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